
Will the Real Elijah Stand Up?

In this episode, George Whitten, the founder of Worthy Ministries, dives into theological questions never discussed. The Battle of Elijahs? Is the covenant of peace … a peace treaty or something else? What is the great delusion? His knowledge as a pastor in Israel gives a unique perspective on prophetic topics not thoroughly examined from a Jewish vantage point and gives fresh insights into how the One World Order could come into existence and why it may be accepted by so many. And even explain Jesus warning … if it were possible, the elect would be deceived!

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Simchat Torah War – Part 5: Answering Reader Questions

George Whitten, founder of Worthy Ministries, answers questions submitted to him by readers of his daily Worthy Brief.

1. How do you think this war will end prophetically?

2. Can I ask a question on your 2nd video on the Simchat Torah War? Why do you think God will destroy Shi’ite Islam. I thought all of Islam was deception?

3. Do you know about how Hamas attacked Israel? How this attack was preplanned 75 years ago?

4. Where are the lost tribes of Israel?

5. What ministries would you support to help Israel?

6. Are you live blogging anywhere?

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Simchat Torah War Part 4: Is this the Psalm 83 war?

George Whitten, the founder of Worthy Ministries, answers a reader’s question, “Is this the Psalm 83 war?” George delves into the details of Psalm 83, exploring its potential historical fulfillment and potential future realization. Furthermore, he offers valuable insights into the responsibility of believers in the days we’re witnessing as we see prophecy unfold.

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The Simchat Torah War — Part 3: How will you pass the Israel test?

George Whitten, the founder of Worthy Ministries, discusses the events surrounding the Simchat Torah War and the tactics employed by Hamas to infiltrate Israel. This raises important questions about our response as believers and our role spiritually in the conflict taking place in the Middle East.

The Simchat Torah War – Part 2

George Whitten, the founder of Worthy Ministries, shares his reflections on the Middle East conflict that started during the celebration of Simchat Torah, which aligns with the 8th day of the Feast of Tabernacles. In this enlightening perspective, he delves into the significance of our roles as believers in the Messiah and our responsibilities during this pivotal period. Furthermore, he explores the impending conflicts associated with the prophesied destruction of Damascus (Isaiah 17) and the Gog-Magog War (Ezekiel 38-39), and highlights our role in the redemptive work of God within the descendants of Ishmael.

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Worthy Wrap-Up: Demise of the Dollar, Indictments, Crisis in Israel

In this week’s Worthy Wrap-Up, George Whitten, founder, and editor of Worthy News, discusses the current events in Israel, the beginning stages of the collapse of the dollar as the reserve currency, and the current political situation in America.

If this video is taken down from YouTube, watch it on Worthy.TV

Pipelines, Red Heifers, and the Smi’tah Cycle


The editor and founder of Worthy News, George Whitten, explains the current Smi’tah cycle taking place in September 2022. History is rhyming and understanding the past Smi’tah cycles, helps us clearly navigate the current Smi’tah cycle we are concluding. This video will explain how the current events taking place in Russia, Israel, and the United States are connected to prophecy … and how you can pray into these current events.